Don’t Miss the Latest SmartDec Development Report Highlights

23 full-time developers are working to deliver the Digitex exchange.

If you had the chance to check out SmartDec’s development report from yesterday, you’ll see just how much work is going on under the hood. By now, we’ve explained that the key components of the exchange are its user interface (UI), back office, and matching engine. But, of course, it’s much more complicated than that. If you’re interested in the technical details, be sure to head over to their blog. If you want the layman’s version, check out the highlights below.

The Development Team Is Expanding

Perhaps one of the first things that will stand out to you from the report is that Smartdec’s development team is now absolutely massive! They currently have no less than 23 full-time developers working to deliver the Digitex exchange. The office is positively abuzz with group meetings today and constant conversation about Digitex every day.

Tons of Details in the Development Report

As you can see from the diagram below, developing the Digitex Futures exchange is anything but easy! There are a lot of different components that need to be taken into account, hence stepping up the number of team members in preparation for the testnet launch.

digitex schema

In the SmartDec report, you can get a detailed explanation of all the individual moving parts. Suffice to say, from the UI and back office to the engine and admin panel, the developers are hard at work playing out every possible user story.

The team is using multiple bots to test the exchange every day to simulate liquidity in the order book. They’re also looking at all types of possible scenarios, such as large price movements. We have an additional two human testers working daily and writing out test cases. So far, they have written 15 groups of different tests and are continuing to write additional ones and scour the system for bugs.

The Engine Is Getting More Robust by the Day

The engine is becoming stronger, faster and more efficient every day. As the heart of the exchange, the engine is working to keep the order book and match orders, list trades, contracts, and positions, keep traders’ balances and compute margins and trader PNL, among its other functions.

It can also now support limit and market orders, their durations, liquidations, and carry out periodic funding which is essential for perpetual swap contracts. We’re already achieving extremely high-speed operation of the engine at 100,000 TPS. This is in a simulated environment and we aim at improving on that number. The repeated testing continues.

When Closed Testing Will Begin

As you know, Adam and the developers have had two weeks of working and testing the demo that he received and we reported in the last development update. We know that you’re anxious to find out when the first group of initial testers will be invited in and when you’ll get to see a demo for yourselves.

Right now, there are still some bugs in the system, which is to be expected. Adam is fully aware of the bugs and is actively working with the team to fix them before we release a demo. After all, there’s no point in onboarding testers just to report bugs that we’re already aware of. So, as soon as the exchange is working to the point that Adam is satisfied and decides that it’s time to onboard people, we’ll begin.

As you can see from this week’s report, we’re making phenomenal progress on the exchange–with just over 50 days to go until the testnet launch!

We’d Like to Say Thank You – And Ask for Help

Everyone at Digitex is extremely thankful to our supportive community. We know that it’s been a long road to get this far. We also want to ask for your help to make the exchange the best possible version it can be. When the public testnet opens on 30 November, it’s probable that not everything will be perfect.

We’d like to ask you to help us out in every way possible by reporting any bugs or issues that you may find when testing the exchange. After all, it’s only down to the power of the community and DGTX investors that we’ve made it this far–and it’s with their help that we will deliver the perfect platform and make Digitex Futures the hugely successful exchange it deserves to be.

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