How TradeHost Picks Selections In The Horse Racing Markets
TradeHost considers around 100 different metrics to arrive at the selections that will be traded on Betfair.
One metric that is always considered is value. The TradeHost Tissue strategy is looking for momentum in every selection in every market to create value trading and betting opportunities.
If a price on a horse crashes it will naturally create other horses to drift and thus cause other opportunities as the market settles to near 100%. Tissue knows the price we want to get involved at for every selection. If we can obtain that price then TradeHost gets stuck in.
Using market information is what every bookmaker does every day of the week in virtually every market he prices up.
It’s is hard to determine the correct price for each selection because of the genuine fear of inside information.
Late money is found to be the most accurate prediction of true outcome probabilities and the greater the late odds movement in an entrant, the higher its probability of winning. Simply, bet late and bet often.
In the one hour timelapse video condensed in to 2 minutes below the TradeHost Tissue is looking for significant movements in price, range traded for each selection and is comparing prices available with the price considered as Tissue Value along with all other metrics.
If TradeHost feels a selection has passed all metrics then a trade or bet will be made at a price which is better or worse than market depending on the chance of her selection being successful.
Thanks for this. As a new TradeHost member I now understand a little more. Good 1st week BTW.