Steamers & Drifters On Betfair Today
Betfair market movers are the days biggest price movers on Betfair.
The biggest movers for the UK and IE horse racing markets are below. Find out how we trade Steamers and Drifters 24/7 in the UK, IE, AU and US horse racing markets here.
A lot of these are traded by TradeHost. 2023 profit £2,183. Great effort JuiceStorm.
£394 profit on TradeHost today. £3,471+ in 2023 for a fast start. Year 3 and we march on!
These selections have contributed significantly to my 2023 TradeHost profit of £1,621.
I’m smashing it with TradeHost on Betfair today. £132 profit and loads more races to go.
Another super profit on TradeHost overnight. Hoping for more later. £61 for Saturday on Betfair so far.
So many Juice articles are super useful. This is a page I visit every day. I trade all the selections.
Thanks for the Betfair TradeHost update yesterday guys. Best year so far. £12,619 up in 2023. Joined 2017.
9 years of Betfair trading with your TradeHost for £189K profit. £27K up for 2023. Respect to everyone at JuiceStorm!
2023 was awesome on TradeHost. A strong start for 2024 too. I love your daily drifters as well. Ta!
I use these for Lay To Back and Back To Lay. Good to see most are traded on Betfair too.