Football Trading? You Need A Plan Or You Will Fail!
Betfair Football Trading is now available on Amazon
Football Trading on Betfair isn’t the Holy Grail some think it is. It’s hard, very hard. But what if there was something out there that made the job easier, helped you succeed and made money while you learnt how to trade the right way? Would you be interested?
What if I could show you the shortcuts and how to avoid costly mistakes? How not to get into trades I wouldn’t touch with someone else’s barge pole.
Well, I’ve just published my Betfair Football Trading book and it’s available on Amazon in the Kindle store.
100% 5* reviews after just 3 days since it went live. If your football trading is going nowhere and you’re losing money and know you shouldn’t be, the answers and solutions are in there.
Not only do I show you how to find your trade selections using free software and stat sites that I use, in the book you’ll also discover simple strategies fully explained. For the more experienced trader I cover several correct score strategies and essential ‘know how’ to profit from them.
I was trading football before I went into matched betting and filled my boots with bookie offers. I built up a tidy sum but all of us know what happens when you start taking bookies money. Nowadays I spend 2 hours or more each day making up my selections to trade. Anyone not spending quality time methodically researching is, in my opinion, completely foolish.
There are traders out there waiting to run off with your money and you need to be faster and smarter than them. It all starts with research!
As an added bonus for JuiceStorm Members when purchasing my book please email me and I’ll send you an invite to join our very active closed trading group called Gingers Trading Group on Facebook . Take a look inside the book and see what it can do for you and your wallet.
You really don’t need to keep losing money. It’s free to find out and judge for yourself what this book can do for your long term benefit.