With 4 Days to Go, Check Out the Progress on the Digitex Testnet
You’ve helped us to fix and improve upon many features of the Digitex testnet.
We asked and you delivered! Thanks so much to all our early testers for your commitment, positivity, enthusiasm, and hawk eyes! You’ve helped us to fix and improve upon many features of the Digitex testnet. For those of you ready and waiting for public access on Nov 30, keep in mind, there’s still a lot of work to do. But with the help of the Alpha testers so far, take a look below at some of the progress we’ve made.
The Digitex Testnet Is a Work in Progress
As Adam mentioned in his Telegram Testnet AMA, we are still very much working on the exchange as the testers are in it. With their help and suggestions, we have been able to confirm and fix some known bugs and also uncover some that we had not found. There have been some killer ideas and feedback that we’ve either started to implement or have added to the list.
As one of our early testers said right back at the beginning, one of the things he liked most about trading on the testnet was that he could see the changes happening in real-time.
“I like the constant development and improvements being done every day. In the beginning, we had only access to the main user interface with ladder, chart, etc. The very next day, a panel was added with other pages such as my profile, wallets, history, support, etc. Improvements are literally being done while trading.”
The developer team alongside our Community Managers are working hard to track and record all support tickets and sort them into categories, such as “known bugs,” “reported bugs,” and “suggestions.” We’ve had hundreds of comments from a dedicated crew of Alpha testers helping us to make Digitex a killer commission-free trading platform.
A Closer Look at Some of the Bugs and Fixes
Changes are being implemented as the testers are trading and the frequent updates are immediately visible.
In addition, we made some (more!) tweaks to the UI, as the overwhelming majority wanted Adam to return the Unrealised PNL feature on the ladder that shows the trader’s potential profit or loss at every price level. We have also made small updates, such as updating “24h volume” and “24h change” values every minute.
The closed testing also helped us to discover that placing a large order at a market price could result in a negative balance. We are now adding some limitations and rigorously testing it every day. The trading page is gradually becoming more personalized as per our testers’ requests.
At the current moment, we’ve decided not to add 2-factor authentication as it is not a necessary feature for a testnet. Rest assured, it will be implemented from mainnet release.
Getting Ready for Public Launch
Other updates and integrations we have added since closed testing began include the incorporation of Digitex Twitter announcements in the User Account Panel. This is just one small glimpse of the full suite of social integration tools that will be available by mainnet that Adam shared in his first demo video of the new platform.
Since closed testing began, we have also implemented the withdrawal and deposit process with Ropsten test network for Ethereum. With the help of our testers, they are making withdrawals and deposits of testnet DGTX tokens and buying them with test ether. It’s essential that we have real traders trying out this feature so that we can eliminate any problems that may occur during withdrawals or deposits.
We are tidying up the interface and user flow on a daily basis ensuring that all the currency denominations are displaying correctly. For example, some values like Balance and Margins are in DGTX, whereas other values like liquidation and bankruptcy price are in USD. We are ensuring that all the calculated quantities are right. We’re also currently fixing the problem of “No market price” when closing a contract with the market price.
Wrapping It Up
The testnet period may last some time. While we all want the live Digitex Futures platform to launch as soon as possible, it’s essential that we take the time needed to iron out every possible bug and continue to fold in improvements and additional functionality.
While all updates and changes are being made, the developers continue to monitor the stability of the system and keep a close eye on every moving part. We can’t wait to share it with you all and hear your comments and thoughts! Only four days to go!