TradeHost Members Share Their 2022 Trading ROI
The top average monthly ROI was 6.45% for TradeHost members.
Some members have used TradeHost for over eight years. We have broadcast live on JuiceStorm TV – streaming every trade and bet since 2017. There are now over 10K viewers that tune in every week.
As most readers know we have some serious players using TradeHost. Literally, when automated TradeHost members trade the Betfair market listens.
The majority of viewers are manual traders copying TradeHost trades – TradeHost members rarely watch the live stream – and everyone is welcome to copy trade completely free manually.
The Telegram vote has now closed and is here.
Why not join the largest Betfair trading group in Telegram?
Our community share their profits, losses and some even get emotional on a bad day. Fortunately, that doesn’t happen too often. It’s an open and transparent group where anything relevant can be shared.
Most questions can be answered by Rose but being a bot she does look a little silly sometimes She always tries her best to help though and can be very busy occasionally.
Our automated trades are published in Telegram as they happen and you may copy trade completely free if you wish. Hundreds of members do so every day.
TradeHost awesome overnight. My 1 year anniversary today. £18K+ after BF comms for the year.
Thanks lads. £729 on TradeHost today. My best in 4 years. 100 markets traded!