The Juicestorm Mail Bag
The mail bag continues to grow daily and I’m happy to answer everything. The question below was raised by Joao in Portugal and I thought it would be of interest if I published it here with my reply.
Date: 19 November 2008 18:25:51
Subject: Laying Greyhounds
First of all, I’d like to congratulate you for your blog, it really motivated me to try Betbot Pro.
My question is very simple: although I’ve been in Betfair for a while, mainly trying to trade in basketball and tennis markets, I’ve never had notorious results. However, today I download the Betbot Pro trial and I let it run starting in the morning in the simulation modo with stakes of 0,5 euros. I used a random “lay the 1st fav” strategy and by the middle of the afternoon I find myself a nice profit of +13,00 euros (excelent isn’t it, considering I used 0,5 stakes).
I didn’t hesitate and turned the simulation mode off and now I’m having good results. You see, my question is, I don’t know anything at all about greyhounds, I haven’t even see a race in my entire life, but it seems that laying the fav really works… Now, from the data in your site you have a clear long-term profit, is your strategy simply laying the first favourite or you do any research at all selecting good picks?
Thanks in advance…
Hi Joao,
I’d lay the favourites on UK greyhounds 24/7. No research whatsoever. Form very often is poor information. A friend of mine writes a column for a local newspaper – Brighton – which features Hove dogs and other tracks. He’s more knowledgeable than me and with a large enough bank and the correct Back/Lay ratio for liquidity looking at his comments over the years then it may be a profitable strategy.
On horses I’m more selective. If you don’t mind I’ll pop your question and my reply in the blog as it may be of interest to others.
Have a great day Joao.
Im using your strategy right now, and its scary right now with 6 winners in a row .. I hope it will went right on this one ..
Ups, 7 winners ..
OMG, 7 winners and then saved by the bell. 2 losers and back in buisness. Phew 🙂
Blimey, nail biting stuff! I have got to 7 as well – once. Good luck Johan.
Hi John,
Good to see you’re back in action again. Had a quick listen to the latest shows last night – always good entertainment.
Running pretty good at the moment, despite my best efforts to cock things up as you can read on my blog.
Updated the link to here on my blog also.
Keep up the good work.
Kind Regards
Hello mate, thanks for the update. I actually check in to your blog most days to see what you’re up to. Stay lucky JP.
Hi mate – just listened to the show, as ever was very entertaining and am looking forward to my appearance next week! Finally got round to updating my blog so pop over if you want to see about some of my recent troubles.
Speak next week!
Welcome back mate. I’m looking forward to chatting to you on the show next week as well.
Sorry to see Betdaq didn’t work out. Another time, maybe?
I just tried to post on yours but it wants me to enter the verification letters but it ain’t giving me any! Catch you soon.
Betbotpro have just launched a hosted server service for Betbotpro.
I am not sure the the £33 per month price tag is worth it, what are your thoughts on this one.
I know reliability is required when using any bot, but £33 per month
New Zealand