The Bet Plan Update

On a recent Radio Show we talked about the BetPlan and said we would follow it here at Juicestorm. Here are the current results from a disappointing March.

It must be said that one month is not enough to judge a tipping service and with a 30 day no quibble money back guarantee the BetPlan may prove over the coming months to satisfy the claims and increase your bank happily.

I will continue to monitor the BetPlan over the next two months, March we were using real money but for April and May we will be paper trading the results as the Juicestorm pot of Gold will be used for another tipping service review.

It must be said that that the owner of the BetPlan is very approachable, his new blog is well worth following (I will add it to our links list today) and they are currently testing a server version of their betting Bot which will allow you to follow the BetPlan with out having to manually place the bets yourself.

As they say, watch this space and for more information visit The BetPlan Website.

BetPlan March Results (SP For Reference)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 05th March  09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 06th March  09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 07th March  09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 08th March 09
Track: Naas Called Off Snow
Track: Naas Called Off Snow

The BetPlan Daily Selections 09th March 09
Track: Stratford (LOSS)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 10th March 09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 11th March 09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 12th March 09
Course: Kempton 2/1 (WIN)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 13h March 09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 14th March 09
Track: Naas  6/4 (WIN)
Track: Naas (LOSS)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 15th March 09
Track: Navan 4/9 (WIN)
Track: Navan (LOSS)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 16th March 09
Track: Taunton (LOSS)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 17th March 09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 18th March 09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 19th March 09
Track: AYR 10/11 (WIN)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 20th March 09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 21st March 09
Track: HAYDOCK 15/8 (WIN)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 22nd March 09
Track: HUNTINGDON 8/15 (WIN)
Track: WINCANTON 4/6 (WIN)
Track: HUNTINGDON 10/11 (WIN)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 23rd March 09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 24th March 09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 25th March 09
Track: LINGFIELD 11/4 (WIN)
Track: KEMPTON 7/4 (WIN)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 26th March 09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 27th March 09
Track: SOUTHWELL 5/4  (WIN)

The BetPlan Daily Selections 28th March 09

The BetPlan Daily Selections 30th March 09


Current Bank

£500 Starting Bank (Betting 1 Point of 5% or £25)
Current Bank Stands at £391.50

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  1. Sal Rossi says

    I think you’ve done this guy and his service a disservice! Having had a look at his website it indicates that he uses a fixed ratchet staking plan @ 5%. You show a loss.

    Assuming that there weren’t losses 1st to 4th March [which you don’t list] he made a positive LSP according to the results you posted.

  2. martin says

    I agree with the above. According to my calculations the month made a profit, based bon the figures you posted

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