Spread Betting Strategies
Although spread betting free bets can be cashed out risk free, and earn a green risk rating, it is important to understand how they work before you start, as getting things wrong can be very expensive.
Articles and Videos on Spread Betting
Introduction to spread betting
Introduction to spread betting video
Intro to spread betting part one
Intro to spread betting part 2
Intro to spread betting part 3
Intro to spread betting part 4
Intro to Spread Betting Part 5
Intro to Spread Betting Part 6
Qualifying Bets
Risk Category B – Spread Arbing
Spread betting signup offers usually require you to make qualifying bets to obtain the free bet, just like ordinary bookies. This requires matching the bets off with a different spread betting firm, eg matching between Sporting Index and Spreadex. This can often be done without loss.
There is a spreadsheet to help you do this here: qualifyingspreads.
Basically, enter the spreads on offer and the risk amount (eg £20) and follow the calculations. One thing to recommend is to always round up the amount shown, so if for £20 risk on the spread, it gives £9.21 then round up to £10, common sense as always!
Total Goals
Risk category A
This video shows you how to cash out a total goals spread bet by matching against the total goals market at Betfair. You can either sell total goals at the spread firm and back low numbers of goals at Betfair, or buy total goals at the spread firm and lay high numbers of goals at Betfair. The spreadsheet used in the video is here: totalgoalsfreebetcashout.
Supremacy Bet
Risk category A
To cash out a free supremacy spread bet use this spreadsheet: Supremacy-Cashout.
Double Profits
Risk category A
Example: Any net profit made on sports bets placed and settled between Friday 20th November and 23.59pm Sunday 6th December will be doubled up to £150. Any monies owed will be paid by 5pm Monday 7th December.
It is possible to lock in some good profits if you BUY a team on the WIN INDEX (25-10-0) market at SportingIndex and then back the draw and other team on Betfair.
The real beauty of this offer are the word NET PROFIT in the terms, as this means if you don’t hit the £150 mark you can keep on betting until you do, could be very lucrative if you don’t hit a winner at SI for a while.
There is a spreadsheet to do all the calculations (just enter into the light blue boxes till you see the profits on the right to around £75): sportingindexdoubleprofits
Some real examples are worked through below.
Example 1:
Tottenham v Wigan – can lock in almost £80 in profit:
BUY Tottenham with £25 at 19 at SI
BACK Draw at Betfair with £121.39 at 4.5 (assuming 5%)
BACK Wigan at Betfair with £98.85 at 8.2 (assuming 5%)
Tottenham win – you win £150 doubled to £300, but lose £121.29 (draw) and £98.85 (Wigan) at BF for £79.76 profit Draw – you lose £225 at SI, Win £403.62 on the Draw Bet at BF but lose £98.85 (Wigan) at BF for £79.77 profit Wigan win – you lose £475 at SI and £121.29 (draw) at BF but win £676.13 on the Wigan BACK bet at Betfair for £79.74 profit
So loads of potential with this – play around with the figures in the sheet until you understand what is happening.
Example 2:
Samporia v Livorno, – can lock in over £90 in profit:
BUY Sampordia with £21.43 at 15 at SI
BACK Draw at Betfair with £116.69 at 4.2 (assuming 5%)
BACK Livorno at Betfair with £91.92 at 7.8 (assuming 5%)
Sampordia win – you win £150 doubled to £300, but lose £116.69 (draw) and £91.92 (Livorno) at BF for £91.40 profit Draw – you lose £171.44 at SI, Win £354.74 on the Draw Bet at BF but lose £91.92 (Livorno) at BF for £91.38 profit Livorno win – you lose £385 at SI and £116.69 (draw) at BF but win £593.80 on the Livorno BACK bet at Betfair for £91.37 profit
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