Risk Categories and Bookmaker Assessments
Risk Categories (with regard to the offer)
A = risk free with a guaranteed profit
B = risk free but with no guaranteed profit
C = probably risk free but may be dependent on available odds, small loss possible
D = some risk of loss to deposited funds
E = significant risk to deposited funds
F = no real difference from gambling with no free bet to come.
Bookmaker Categories (Safety, Withdrawal Issues etc)
Wherever possible SBR or Bookmakers Review (BR) ratings will be given (note these can change). If no rating is available you will see NR and an estimated assessment of the risk will be reflected in the colour.
SBR ratings range from A to F, anything rated D- or worse is on the avoid list, those rated F are blatant scams.
BR ratings range from 1 (bad) through 3 (average) to 5 (excellent) .
The bookmaker ratings are coloured in the same way as the offer risk, ie as a measure of the risk to funds due to withdrawal issues etc.
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