How to cheat at Everything – Simon Lovell’s new book
Out shopping the other day, a book caught the eye of JuiceStorm, namely “How To Cheat At Everything“, by Simon Lovell. A quick perusal of the book led to a compulsive purchase, and as soon as I got home, I kicked off my shoes, lay back on the couch, put up my feet, and delved in.
I was NOT disappointed. Simon Lovell, if you don’t know him, is a gifted entertainer who can dazzle with sleight-of-hand and out-perform the most talented magicians. He’s performed on TV and is currently doing a one-man off-Broadway show. He’s spent 30 years as a professional performer, but he wasn’t always so up-front about his talents.
By his own admission, Lovell’s grandfather was a professional poker and dice hustler, and by the time Simon left university, he had also earned himself a PhD in cheating (his own words).
True to the title, Lovell describes how to cheat with cards, coins, telephones, sleight of hand, dice, etc. He not only explains how to perform hustles, but how they work. From internet frauds to street and bar hustles, they’re all in here. Lovell shows how these are set up, how to recognise when you’re the target of one, and the psychology behind most of it.
One thing that’s important to remember while reading this book is that Lovell is setting up the con for you in plain terms. It’s easy to dismiss some of the cons as too simple, but therein lies the rub: if you don’t think you can be conned, you’re already half-way there. The con-man is generally a charismatic and chatty person who will start out by mirroring your body-language, speech patterns, even your accent. Before you know it, you’re hooked, and thus the con begins…
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