Gerry Attric – Betfair ban. Next a blog ban?
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For any regular Betfair forumites from the old days you might remember Gerryatric. Well, he just contacted me after a couple of years by email and I reproduce it below. (If you don’t want it published here Gerry let me know and I’ll delete it.)
It seems he now has a life ban at the Betfair forum and a possible blog ban. Gerry, come over to the land of the free. You can either have your own blog hosted here free – and so can anyone else for that matter – or why don’t you become a guest author at My home here. I’ll never ban you, me old mate. Remember when you were gonna bring the MoM posse thread members over to MoM Towers in France for Christmas? 🙂
I’ll be in touch by email soon but I thought it might be quicker this way. I know you have challenges with technical stuff me old mucker. Here all you’ve got to do is reply at the bottom. Easy peasy. Speak soon mate.
Hi there MoM!!!
How are you, you old Einstein you! Howz you doin’? Yeah! Its me. Gerry!!!
Long time no speeky!! It’s all been happenin’ to ol’ Gerry!! I ‘aint got no forum friends no more MoM. Betfair took ‘em all away from me at the beginin’ of November. forever! BANNED ME FOR LIFE! Betfair chopped me off proper this time. So I thought to me-self, who can I have a rabbit with? And then I thought of me old pal MoM!
Wanna hear a story Mom? It’s a good one!!! Cors you do!!!! I’m gonna speak proper from now on MoM cos you may grab the theme of me story a bit better! So here goes!
Hi there MoM
Heres a surprise for you! It’s your old BF forum pal Gerry!!! Remember the old MoM thread? Best thread ever! Now before I go any further, I’m going to let you into a little secret which you probably know already. I’m as thick as R soles when it comes to computer stuff. No joke MoM, I’m as dumb as nuts on a kangaroo!. I do not understand the first thing about all the gizmo’s widgets and gadgets. Compared to the Einstein qualities of my much respected friend,(that’s you MoM) I’m a non starter and with the bit of coal that’s left burning in me belly, which is now but an ember, I shall stay that way until the grim reaper comes a’callin’
I shall try and be brief, but when I start a’tappin on the keyboard, me mouth runs away with me. But I will try to avoid the rant!.
At the beginning of November a BF forumite (birkdale) put up a cracking good thread in the Horse Racing forum about my old adversary (that means ‘enemy’ Mom!!!) …….guess who?????……Derek Thompson. It concerned his skullduggery (skullduggery means ‘mischievous’ MoM!!!) …. The response and input Birkdale received was massive. About 600 posts in three days. A few guys remembered the pasting that Cannyman and I gave Thompson in 2005 and were calling “where’s Gerry Atric” I kept looking at it and thought, “shall I have a go or not” The temptation was to great MoM. I needed a fix and succumbed to temptation. I dived in the deep end, BIG TIME! This was gonna be me last chance to try and nail the scam-ad geezer.
As this was going to be my last attempt to bring to light Thompson’s manufactured scam (winners only) adverts that deceive by omission, I decided to write a powerful letter which will really make the authorities think hard before giving a reply!
I then posted the letter on the Forum as many wanted to read it and follow its progress. The letter was not rude, it was not offensive it was not abusive but as far as forceful letters go MoM, it was a bare knuckle ride!! In my opinion ASA & PPP are going to struggle to give a reply in Thompson’s favor. If they do, I shall take it further!
My posts and paragraphs on the forum were dynamite MoM. BUT! I was very careful to make sure what I said was correct and could be substantiated (substantiated means ‘proved’ MoM!!!) I got big time support from forumites but felt that my time may be limited. It was. A couple of days later I got a note ‘BANNED FOREVER. NO APPEAL!
I don’t blame BF. The bottom line is that I was using them as a tool for my crusade, but it was a moral crusade, and BF have indeed tolerated (that means ‘put up with’ Mom!!!) me for a long time now.
It is a shame that many of the supporters and followers will not see the response to that letter from the ASA and PPP as many were very interested in its journey. Now then MoM.
Just before I was banned a forumite suggested that I start a blog and if a ban happened, they could all follow the ASA & PPP response to my letter on the blog. CRUNCH!! Now what the hell does an old fart like me know about Blogs! I know wot a bog is!!! But blogs no! Absolute zilch! I’m a salmon poacher for Christ sake MoM!!…….. I know more about pole dancing than I do Blogs! …….. ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!!!!!!
It so happens that my lovely neighbor in the house next door, is a world famous, top notch pole dancer/instructor and she is good MoM. Bloody good!!! She has requests to dance and teach from all over the world. As I speak, she is currently (that means ‘now’ MoM!!!! not the things they stick in cakes!!!!) doing a 2 week tour in Singapore, teaching and dancing! ‘Her up stairs’ and me really love the girl! Nothing smutty now MoM!!!! Behave!!!! Over the years the relationship between us has become more like family than friends. She tells us all about her life and her travels and I tell her all about ………. Derek Thompson!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Anyway Mom! Let’s get serious! Before she went away, she set me up with a blog and tried to show me how to use it. I have got the hang of the writing (which is the only thing I’m any good at, I think!) and the publishing but that is as far as I can go. The widgets, wadgets and gizmo’s are beyond me. I shall have to wait till she comes back to learn a bit more.
Now MoM, let me tell you what my Blog contains. It contains a day by day account of Thompson’s scam-ad tips taken from his ‘winner only’ RP advert. My own added comments add flavor and paint the true picture behind his scam. It also shows his approx profit and loss figures from Nov 1st based on 5 selections per day and a £5 stake! I think it’s a good read MoM. I enjoy reading it me-self and some of the things I say will not make the bistard very happy when he reads it. But my presentation is the reality. Thompson’s presentation is a manufactured fabrication.
OK MoM!! That’s it. Somehow I have got to try and get this lot in your little box!!!!! Phff!!! Pfff!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha |Haaaaaaaaaa” Enough of the crap now MoM. I’m being serious (and I’m finding it difficult!)
The problem I have is how do I manage to show you where by Blog is and how do I present it to you. I must have done something wrong yesterday because I had a red card from the blog people. Gawd knows what I did. Trouble is MoM I don’t want to get kicked out of here as its more or less me last stand! As in Davy Crocket and the Alamo!!! So I’m going to write down the title.
The blog title is “gerry atrics scam tipping blog” (one ‘t’ in atric) I hope this don’t get no red card! You’ve got two chances of findin’ it MoM ,……. as the actress said to the Bishop!!
If you reply to my email MoM, (that’s if you get it!) I may not answer for a while as I ‘aint to sure of the email stuff that she done as it was slightly different to what I was used to. OK!!! OK!! So I’m thick! But when it comes to poachin’ salmon MoM, I ‘aint no kipper!!!
My compliments on your cracking website. Very impressive!.Talking about websites, after umpteen years using the RP website, I’ve slung it in and gone to the SL. That RP site is the biggest load of confused colour, spaces and flashes. It gives the impression that it was designed by rejects from the Beano! And for the first time ever, The Racing Post is no longer my home page!
Regards to the ladies and little MoM. Hope all is well with you my friend
I’m gone!
‘aint got one
Hi there MoM!
WOW!! It worked! I was pleased you got it MoM. I hope you enjoy the chapters within the ‘book!!!’ …..
Between you and me MoM, and for christ sake do not publish this……………..
[Heavily edited section by request]
……………… Its going to be very intersting to see how my letter is answered. Can’t wait.
Thats it for now my friend (frendz meanz wot you iz MoM!!!)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Tarrar MoM
I’m gone!
Hey Gerry, there you go, I thought you’d find that easier. Well a lot’s happened since I saw you last. There was an unplanned addition to the MoM clan just over a year ago. A boy as well. You know I have my princess – 11 last Friday – but now the MoM traditions can be fully carried on. Say no more, eh?
Keep me informed as to how your crusade goes.
Have you got some fresh cardboard for the winter yet? It gets a bit breezy under Waterloo Bridge this time of year. Or have you moved upmarket to Blackfriars? I always found there was a better class conversation up that end.
I’m off to to pick up Mrs Mom and junior Mom shortly. They land in one of those big metal birds that used to wake me up from my drunken slumbers in the park at Hillingdon. God knows how they ever get in the air.
Take care me old mucker and don’t forget your Christmas lunch is waiting up at Tottenham Court Road if you can put up with the religious crap. Oh, and BTW, you can now have the secret email address direct for me – don’t tell anyone – I’ve used a code name, John, good as any I thought, so instead of info@ use John@ then you won’t bother the butler. I keep him pretty busy as it is and I expect to have my Sunday best ready and waiting. The lazy sod ain’t up yet.
PS. I’ve made your name clickable now and it takes people directly to your blog.
PPS. The offer of a new home at MoM Blog Towers still stands.
PPS. As all Betfair forum posts eventually get deleted there’s a secret one here which will remain for posterity.
PPPS. I just found this from my old semi deleted blog. Look half way down.
I clicked on the secret one and got this:
Error 404 – Not Found
Ooops, We cannot find you the page you are looking for. You may try to search our site for another keyword or use the navigational tools in this website.
Hi Ray – try the following link
Gerry Attric Betfair Archive
(@ MOM I have pubished this as last year so it doesnt front page)
Wow! Gerry you are an ace story teller.
Someone should be making all this into a TV programme or a movie. I’m sure Tommo will understand.
By the way, I’ve used one of thoes widgets and wadgets to spread the news for you.
Mornin’ MoM
Aaaaaagh!!! Memories!!! Sweet memories!!! The good old days!! Days never to be forgotten!! Yes Mom I do remember! I remember how you, and the other three stooges, Artie, Justice and Fullback helped me to establish a very successful property empire in London. I made big money MoM! Big big money!!. I also branched out into the renting of property. I ripped geezers off rotten with exorbitant (that means ‘big’ MoM!!) rents.
It was most lucrative! And yes MoM! I did rent property in Tottenham Court Rd and Blackfriars as well. But the biggest and most lucrative was THE EMBANKMENT. I made a fortune down on the Embankment MoM! An absolute fortune. And then it rained and it rained and it rained and it rained!!!! Result! I got prosecuted by HMG for jamming up the the London Flood Barrier ………. with cardboard!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Oh yes Mom! I do remember them good old days! The one I shall never forget was when you had a bash at tipping horses. I remember one day meeting you just outside me king size fridge packing box when you told me you had just blown 4 months winnings MoM……………On a bag of crisps!!!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!.
Aaagh Memories.
I remember the trip to your most palatial home in Franceland that Xmas. Fit for royalty it is! You stuck me in the cow shite shed!! I remember when I woke up in the morning I had this sort of brown pancake stuff on me face that smelt a bit strange. I ‘aint never told you this before MoM but when the festivities wuz over, I filled the bus up with this brown pancake like stuff and when I got back to the smoke, I got geezers to stick it in empty meth’s bottles (plenty of them where I hang out!)
I’ve been selling it ever since to fancy ladies in Oxford Street. I market it as top of the range Christion Doors face packs!!!! The old bill has been trying to catch me ever since for deception, dishonesty, fraud, swindle, trickery and a scam!! I tell them that I know exactly what they are talking about, but if its good enough for one its good enough for another!!! …….. Gerrit?!!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Oy MoM! You say.
“God knows how them tin boxes ever get in the air”
They use things called jet engines MoM. Christ MoM!!! Come on!!! Even I know that!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Serious stuff now MoM
It is not my intention to use your site as a vehicle for my crusade. But I thank you for giving it a little space.
You will recall that I have been banned from Betfair for trying to clean up the scam-ad racket, and I had a ‘blip’ red card from the blog people although I think I may have pressed a wrong button on that one, well I did have another ban. I posted a thread about scam-ads (my first) on the ATR forum and it was zapped within 60 seconds!!! I think my text relating to Thomson and scam-ads may have had something to do with it. I also felt ATR were waiting for me! As your thread carries a story concerning my BF ban, is it in order to pop in another story about why At The Races have banned me (within 1 minute). Both bans were as a direct result of my mission to protect the vulnerable from the unscrupulous in the world of horse racing.!
The reason I ask is that I have been reading your stuff (or trying to!) and I reckon the geezers who script it have gorra be high fallutin’ Oxford/Cambridge dons or rocket scientists. They may not want your blog to be contaminated by smelly ol’cardboard dwelling salmon poachers!!! And to think that these geezers might be reading my rants and talking about it them in them posh clubs in Whitehall!! ……..Corrrrrr!
I;m gone!
Hope you are well Gerry, sorry to hear you are gone! Well done for exposing the con artist Thommo.
I got a permanent ban from betfair ages ago when I called Fred Done a crooked cheat when he ripped me off on a football bet. Stupid, but done in the heat of the moment (in response to someone who themselves were breaking the rules by advertising him!)
Tim Wells, the person who is in charge of the forum, is a pathetic little jobsworth c)^t. You may be interested to know that even the staff at betfair laugh as how sad he is…
Thanks for that Chalfont
Morning you lot!!
Firstly,I want to thank Betfair Trading who last week paid compliment to my verbal output and also thank him for ‘spreading the word with widgets and wadgets!…..I didn’t want to fill up MoM’s blog with ‘thank you’s’so I wrote out a note to BFT that you will see below. I couldn’t find how to send it to him!! Don’t laugh you lot!! I’m a retired salmon poacher for Christ sake!! I decided to keep the note until there was something else to say and then pop it into here.
Today I note a new post from Chalfontfan relating to my cause and shall take this opportunity to thank him as well!
Below is the reply that I wrote in reply to BFT’s post of last week.
“Hi there BFT
Thought I’d reply to your post on here (I was searchin’ around on BFT’s blog to try and find how to do it!!!) as I didn’t want to dominate Mom’s thread with my rants.
Been tellin’ stories all me life BFT! In the army they call geezers like me ‘barrack room lawyers’ and the army don’t like them!! I spent much time doin’ jankers (army nick!) coz I was prepared to stand up for what was right. Have done all me life, but I am not a trouble maker. That I am not!
Thank you BFT for your help in poppin’ widgets and wadgets about. Much appreciated.. As you may have gathered, I ‘aint got a clue about all that stuff! ….. The more that get to know of the scam-ad’s,…… the strength will grow!
You say a film or TV programe???? Wow. Now that really would be something! You mean something like “THOMPSON THE TERRIBLE TRICKSTER TIPSTER” I hold the man in total contempt and never call him Tommo. Always Thompson.
Decent and honest people who do not know the man behind the mask all love Tommo. He’s cuddly and so nice! Grannies love him. Ho ho ho! Fellow associates that know of his 090 scams patronise him, but say nout. Such people know that his PRS number is ripping the public off rotten, but say nout, “Tommo” is a name that is associated with the jollities of racing. There is no better front man than Thompson for the professional racing hypocrites that patronise him. And what about the poor guy who Thomson seduces every day with his scam ads. Who cares about him? And do they ever complain? No!! Why? Well it was only a fiver……….SCAM!
Thanks again BTF for pokin’ yer nose!
ps. You sure is one ‘andsome geezer BFT!!! Bet MoM wishes he looked like you!!! …… Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha Haaaaaaaaaaaa!
I’m gone
Hi Gerry,
So glad to hear you’re still around and sorry to read that you picked up a Betfair ban.
Your enthusiastic contributions to the Tommo’s Tips thread were excellent. I don’t know why they banned you because you seemed to be dealing with just the plain facts. Perhaps the “big fella” has a legal team who may have had a word with the powers that be.
Let us know if you received any reply to the various letters you sent out to the authorities and share them on here with us.
It is simply disgraceful that the likes of Tommo are allowed to carry on in this way, and I intend to raise the subject again if these sharks continue to be allowed to operate in the murky infested waters they seem to thrive in.
GREAT!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY GREAT!!!!!!!!…………FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!
Of all the people I wanted to find me, you were the one I wanted to hear from the most! Welcome to the safety and tranquility of me old pal MoM’s blog. We are in the company of some real smart arse geezers here Birkdale! We are truly honoured to be their guests!!! I say nice things like this to MoM Birkdale coz I’m trying to flog him some unfresh salmon!
You were the author of that cracking good BF thread and as such I wanted you to follow the journey of the letters I wrote. You explained and put your case against the trickster admirably. And it was your post that fanned the dying embers in me belly to burn just a little longer to try and nail this dishonest con man! That initial post of yours was lengthy and well scripted. It said it all and explained in great detail your case against Thompson. I am well pleased that I have the pleasure of your company once again.
The response and support was electric! I think it knocked up about 600 posts in just three days and never rolled off the first page. And that was in the rat-a-tat Horse Racing Thread as well!!! That thread would have been in the thousands by now, and stayed that way.
I thank you for your compliment regarding my contributions. When I posted my initial post on your thread, I was determined to behave, and only pass comment that could be proved. Which I did. I think what blew it Birkdale was the heavyweight words I used that I selected from the dictionary. I then explained the meaning and blended the meaning by association to the scam-ads. ie. Misleading by misrepresentation, misleading by omission, confidence trick, fraud, fraudulent advertising, deception, trickery, swindle, immoral, unethical, dishonest, and SCAM. I think when BF saw the words they never bothered to read no more. They zapped it and stuffed me up straight away.
I must admit that at first, I did feel that I may have been responsible for the thread pull, but on reflection, I feel that I said nothing that broke their rules. And as you say. “I don’t know why they banned you because you seemed to be dealing with just the plain facts” I was!
Now then Birkdale. Just after my expulsion I started up a blog. If you read the posts in this thread you will find your way to it. If you get a spare day or two and give it a read, I think you will enjoy. There is an archive in November that sez PHONEPAY PLUS. That is where the letters and replies are posted. You will not believe the crap reply that I had from the PPP Customer Service Advisor! Thompson seems to have an allie at PP HQ!!!
If I had not been kicked out of Betfair Birkdale, I would never have started the blog. But by starting it and monitoring the scam-ad’s daily we can now REALLY see the deception and trickery that Thompson’s scam-ad spews out day after day! The expulsion may turn out to be a blessing in disguise as the evidence is now well and truly documented!
Hey Birkdale! How did you find me? I’d love to know!
Take care my friend
I’m gone!
Hi Gerry
Cannyman put up a post on the B/F horse racing forum the other day which led me to here. I understand that canny had been trying to track you down. Just about everybody who responded felt that you were harshly dealt with as you were just dealing with the facts. Even last night there was somebody on there suggesting that you appeal and get back into the fray !!
I assume that you are not able to read the B/F forum following the ban. Others in your position have created a new identity for themselves on the forum and jumped straight back in !
Regarding the Tommo’s Tips thread, it was pulled by Betfair after about 10 days. Just before they did this, B/F sent me a polite e-mail informing me of their intention and saying that it was because the thread had descended into an exchange of personal abuse rather than constructive comment. As I was out that day, I didn’t get a chance to read the “personal abuse” as they described it but I assume it was directed at “big fella”.
As for Tommo himself, I think he has “toned-down” his adverts slightly. Gone are the claims of “massive profits” and the “you can’t afford not to ring me” message. Instead, he just puts up his winners and prices. There is still no obligation for him to put up his losers and his P & L, so therefore understandably he doesn’t.
Whether he has chosen to tone them down after the thread or whether it is just co-incidence I can’t be sure, but if it is the former then at least some good has come of it.
I have had a few requests on the B/F forum to do something similar. I intend to, but not for a month or two. However if somebody else took up the cause then I would get right behind them straight away.
Probably like yourself, all I want to see is some protection for the innocent and gullible punter who rings these PR tipping lines in the belief that they are the road to instant riches. My view is that punters need to know at the outset how long these phone calls last, how much they will cost, and the success rate and profitability of the operator. In Tommo’s own case it goes a bit deeper though. Is he really out on the Newmarket gallops every day, does he really do his own study and does he really get the word from trainers and jockeys ? And how does he find the time to do it with all the other jobs he has ? There are so many questions that need answering.
As I said, I will be taking this up again next year. I want there to be transparency and honesty, and I don’t want to see unsuspecting people waste considerable sums of money on this racket without them knowing the full facts first.
I will look in on here every day or two and see what’s happening. I will also take the time to read your contributions from Novemeber onwards which I haven’t yet got round to. And as I said before, please share with us any responses you may have had to your letters.
Good luck
Mornin’ Mom
Mom! As you can see there is plenty to come!!! However, I must ask you if you want me to keep rantin’ and ravin’ in your blog. The purists within may disaprove.
I notice that ‘Gerry Atric’ is filling up and taking over the ‘recent comments’ For your blogs sake MoM, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable. And once geezers find out where I am it could get messy with ‘Hi gerry’s’.
At the moment, I do not know how to chat on me own blog. No need to tell you why!!!! My lovely neighbour will soon be back from Singapore and help me on that one.
I will post no further comment on here MoM until I hear from you thus allowing your ‘recent comments’ a little time to recover.
Catch you az and wen my very good friend.
I’m gone!
Gerry Atric you’re Banned…. hehe only joking –
MOM’s mate Lee here, I do all the blog magic malarky.
I am actually currently setting up a Juicestorm forum and would love to create you your own sub-section on that if you would be interested – Your own forum (yes, that means YOU can ban people).
Also I can set you up an area here so you can post new blog articles too?
Whatcha think?
Hi there Lee……Pleased to meet you!
Any mate of MoM’s…………………….Aint no mate of mine!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh ha ha Haaaaaaaaaa!!
So MoM’s got another mate has he? I thought I was the only one he had!!!
Yeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! ….. I’ll go for that Lee!…….You may have to hold me hand for a while, but I reckon I’ll manage it with a little help. Once I get the hang of it I’ll be away! With the help of me neighbour and you lot at that end, I reckon I’ll have no probs. She will be back soon and will hopefully sort my e-mail probs out as well. etc etc (as the scam man would say!).
In the meantime Lee, I’ll trim me sails and post an update once a week thus giving the ‘recent comments’ a chance to get its breath back!
Catch you az and wen Lee!
I’m gone
Hi Gerry, I have added a forum, its still work in progress but it is live, there is a link to it in the menu along the top of this page or you can go directly to it here:
You will need to register there, (top right) and I will make you a board admin.
You will need an email address that you can access to get the password it will automatically assign you, and I see you are having email problems. If so we can wait until you have access to your emails.
You could alway open a free email account with someone like google Mail if you are up to the task.
Let me know how you get on.
Well, I’m glad you’re getting on with Lee Gerry. He’s in charge of all the wizardry here. He’s too clever by half if you ask me.
I’m lost in my own back end at the moment. No really. And it’s not too comfortable you know. What I mean is that whilst there no substantial changes to the front end – for you, that’s what you see in this blog – but the back end has all changed due to Lee “Early Adopter” Storm – upgrading from WordPress 2.6.5 to WordPress 2.7.
This’ll pay dividends in the future – new widgets, and all that – but I’m all over the place at the moment. I’ll liken it to my village being flattened and there are new roads everywhere and you’ve gotta hope you pick the right one of you zoom off in blogland orbit never to be seen again!
On another note this post has now become a bit like Forum Reunited. How many more of your old mates are gonna find you here? Welcome to Betfair Trading, Chalfontfan and Birkdale.
Lee’s gone to a lot of work to launch the forum early so drop in there and say hi as well. I’m over there in a minute.
That’s it from me here today. I’ll be in the the Juice Forum for the next hour or so. Good luck to you all, as always.
Hi again! Just to let you know I am happy to add a link on my blog if you want a bit more publicity, it gets a few readers 😉
I’ve found several cases of you, here, the blog, and the forum! If you want me to link you, just drop a comment on my latest post.
All the best!
Hi Nick, Lee will add a link later today. Good luck with the Blogger Championship of Online Poker!
I can’t see the Juicestorm link but I am a bit bleary eyed this morning.
Hiya Gerry me old pal, nice to see your still giving that Phone scam Duper some stick!
You are like the proverbial “Dog with a bone” and I’m glad you havent let go of it!!
Keep up the good work me ald mate… and say hello to every one at cardboard city for me!!
P.S. you were going to show me a little 3 card thing once…. you said I couldn’t lose, but to bring lots of money with me???? are we still on? Haaagh ha ha haaagh!!
Take care
Norfolk n Good
I just picked up yer post Norfy. Worra lovely surprise!!!!….. I ‘aint poked me nose in here for a few days cos I felt this posh thread was for rocket scientists and not normal geezers like wot MoM iz!!!…. I’m big time proud Norfee that he lets ol’ Sharky cleean his boots sometimes!!!
I’m clearin’ off from here now Norfy and will answer you later in me “Did you miss Gerry” FORUM thread. If you behave yourself Norfy, I may introduce you to my neighbour who lives in the next cottage down the lane. She helps me with gizzmo’s and ‘compy’ stuff…… She’s a cracking good friend. Me and Hus love her to bits……No smutty stuff now Norfy, coz If you do yooz gonna be zapped!!!!….. Gorrit!!!…..And NO!!!!….It ‘aint Doris neever!!!!!….. When you see her Norfy…… ENJOY!!!! COZ SHE’S ONE OF THE BEST AT WOT SHE DUZ IN THE WORLD!!!!….And I ‘aint kiddin’ neever.
Oy Norfy!!!……see these three little cards, well when I lay ’em on the table!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaagh ha ha haaaaaaa!!!……I’ll catch you one day I will, Just like I caught yer old man!!!…..
Catch yooz az and wen Norfy…….. Sharky
I’m gone
Great read!…and my old mate is here Birkdale-another fan of Khyber Kim-ermole
birkdale Joined: 07 Oct 02
Replies: 386 07 Aug 10 10:02
Gerry paid the ultimate price for his efforts and got a lifetime ban.
kenny mann Joined: 29 Apr 10
Replies: 1103 07 Aug 10 10:18
I know birkdale, but he can still view the forum.
I was his mate who posted Tommos tips for 6 months on General Betting, an anbelievable 7 years ago. My name’s chandged slightly
Morning Gerry. 🙂