Trading On Betfair with BetTrader – The Trader’s View
Grab Your Free Ticket To Win The Sports Trading Master Class Online Now!
The Horse Racing Trading Master Class in Birmingham last week was a huge success but we know many traders will never be able to make it. We want to help.
The online Sports Trading Master Class is our solution. And you can win it for FREE!
Today, you could join the 147 trainee traders that are taking this course and learn as much or as little as you like each week. When you complete the course you will own a permanent reference to a ten year trading experience, condensed into a series of videos to show you how to get started, then improve, then specialise, then succeed.
The Sports Trading Master Class covers Common Reasons for Failure, Research, Analysis & Horse Racing Strategy, Football Strategy, Trading Out Strategy, Money Management & Knowing Your Sport, Mental Approach, Psychology, Things you must do to succeed and two sections on Trading Techniques.
But, hey, it’s not easy. It will involve time, patience, effort, commitment and desire. It will frustrate you, test you, punish you and reward you.
Fancy investing in yourself? Here’s the deal. You have two choices. Firstly, you have the chance to win entry to the course for FREE.
There are a few conditions:-
- You must be a BetTrader subscriber when the competition closes on Monday 4th September 2017 at midday.
- You may be a free BetTrader trial subscriber.
- Entry to the competition is conditional on you publishing a 100 word comment or more in the comments section of this article on your experience of using BetTrader.
- Your experience of using BetTrader must be a true and accurate reflection of using BetTrader.
- The prize is not assignable or transferable. Simply, you can’t give the prize to somebody else.
This will be the ONLY opportunity in 2017 to catch a ten year trading experience condensed into a 24 part video series for FREE.
This is the online verson of the course that 17 people paid £399 to attend last week in Birmingham. Make the most of it. Write your 100 word comment in the comments section of this article below on your experience of using BetTrader. And don’t forget to grab a trial now if you’re not already using BetTrader. Then use it. And post your 100 word comment in the comments section of this article on your experience.
Remember, there can be only one winner. If it’s not you then until Friday 8th September you will be able get the Sports Trading Master Class video series for only £149 – 25% off.
We promise you will win more often, lose less and whilst we don’t promise the thrill you get from landing a 10/1 winner, you will love getting a bit of profit on nine out of the 10 races you bet on each day.
Get lifetime access to 24 exclusive videos with more videos added each month in the online Sports Trading Master Class. But please remember to comment below to claim your discount BEFORE you enroll.
It’s A Rollover
If you entered the competition last month you are automatically entered in to this competition and do NOT have to comment again.
The fifteen BetTrader subscribers who entered the competition this month and last month are:-
- Amanda Stone
- Simon M
- Dave Adams
- Cliff Jones
- Del Thomas
- Chris Hickerman
- Susan
- Chris VP
- Davey
- Simon Merritt
- Steve L
- gordon46davidson
- StewD
- Elliot Tyler
- Lee Hulme
The winner of the FREE draw in August 2017 was:-
***** Amanda Stone *****
The winner of the FREE draw in September 2017 is:-
***** Lee Hulme *****
Lee – Please Contact Us to catch your ten year trading experience condensed into a 24 part video series for FREE.
The new Skype Room has exploded with new members daily. Why not join the JuiceStorm Trading community today? Trading advice, BetTrader help, free profitable bot trading strategies and a great community of Betfair traders. Tony, Anne and myself are in the room most days too!