Betfair Trader Software
Hi, Lee here, I am usually in the admin section of Juicestorm but I’ve been trading! Nothing to great in that and not the most blog-tastic figures to show off but it has been a good couple weeks. (Thanks btw to Leon the Fixer and the Badger).
I have been using just one piece of software for the past couple of weeks and having spoken to a few of you Guys (n’ Girl) who trade (and of course MOM) I am going to give the other software houses a bash.
The Point of this post is?
With the BIG THREE (below) all accessible and affordable to try out in Free/Trial versions, the next time that trading day is just going completely in the wrong direction why not grab a Short/Trial subscription, drop the stakes to pennies and have some real fun again. I have had a fun heart-stopping-at-times couple of weeks. And now I am going to do it again with some different software. Nice!
500 Minutes £10
1 Month £25
Annual £149
Bet Angel
24 Hours Access £5.99
20 Day Trial £15
Annual £149
Gruss Betting Assistant
Free 30-Day Trial
£6 Initial charge then £6 every 30 days
Annual £72
Trading Software Poll
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Oh, and the proof part, almost forgot. 19th Feb till Today (Non Betfair Generator I Promise!)
I have tried all three… to be fair BetAngel was probably the best – it allowd me to deploy more tactics then just trading. Plus the Non-API trading feature saved my boxers once or twice.
I say all this, but I’m just a big old cheapskate and only subscribe to Gruss.
If Bettrader had more options, then just being a hardcore trading tool i am 100% sure I would use this over anything else this is because: I first used this when i first started trading and had lots of success, however when I wanted to branch into other profitable areas on betfair, BTP didm’t allow for this.
So all in all, they are good in there own way but BA is the ultimate right now imo.
Thanks for that Karl and good to see you on Facebook. As you may know I use BA myself.
Which BA would that be then boys?
Ahh, of course, there could be two. Betting Assistant Mr Geek sir.
Hi, I’ve also used all of these 3 apps extensively. I’d heard about Gruss some time ago but only started using it about 6 months ago, partly I think because their website doesn’t really have enough info to persuade you to try it! Anyhow, I’ve written a review of Gruss Betting Assistant to add my 2-pence to the debate! It would be great to hear what others think. Cheers, MG.
Thanks man. I am agree with you.