Bet Bot Pro Review
Article originally posted by Secret Betting Club in BetSeventyTwo forum in December 2009.
Apologies that the pictures in this article appear to have got lost somewhere.
Download BetBotPro here:
Bet Bot Pro is relatively new on the scene, having only been formally launched at the start of the year. As with Grey Horse Bot, Bet Bot Pro (BBP) is an officially sanctioned Betfair API product. It was written by electrical engineer Mark Baker, who was frustrated at not being able to find a simple piece of software that allows you to automatically place bets based on basic conditions. Of course there are bots available that do this, but the problem is that you might be paying for more functionality than you actually need. Betfair used to have a useful free bot called autobetfair, but they pulled this a while back for some reason.
As we mentioned at the start of the article, there are numerous betting bots that fulfil a particular niche, and BetBotPro’s appears to be that of simply placing bets for you just before the off. There is more to it than that, but this seems to be the market it is aiming at.
The first thing you will notice about BetBotPro is that it is incredibly simple to operate. All the functionality and criteria are on one page. Below you can see a screen shot of the BBP interface. As you can see, the bot is only applicable to greyhound and horse racing. The first step is to load the day’s race card, then it’s a simple matter of clicking on each race and selecting the horses or greyhounds you wish to track.
Bet Bot Pro
Setting your criteria is again very simple as you can see below:
Bet Bot Pro
You select the market you wish to trade in (note you can use a simulation mode if you want to test something out), then select the minimum and maximum odds that the horse has to trade in for the bet to be triggered. Then you set your stake and the number of seconds before the official off that you wish the bot to start looking at your bet.
These settings would apply to every selection and they are saved each time you log into your computer. For the most part these are all the settings you will need, but there are other functions such as being able to stake to liability, or set up some sort of loss recovery staking. As with Grey Horse Bot there are maximum limits you can apply to the day to ensure that your bank isn’t blown.
Summing up
Apart from a few more minor features, there is little more to say on Bet Bot Pro. It is a neat, simple little betting bot that fulfils the needs of a particular niche very well. We tested it over a number of days with various conditions, and found it to be very reliable with no crashing, or bet placement errors. It ran quietly in the background as we went about our day.
The program has a higher initial cost compared to Grey Horse Bot, but it could work out to be cheaper overall. The bot costs just £97.95 as a one off purchase which includes 6 months worth of updates and bug fixes. After that period there are no ongoing costs, though you may wish to subscribe to another 6 months of updates for £49 if any of the new functions take your fancy. There are fewer functions than Grey Horse Bot, but after 4 months, it would work out to be a cheaper option depending on your needs. Best of all, there is a risk free, no money down, three day free trial which allows you to test out the software before making your purchase.
Another option which might be of interest to many people is the ability to use BBP’s server to run BBP. This means you log into a web page and the bets are placed externally so you don’t need to leave your computer on all day. There is an additional cost with this function though.
Overall, we really like BBP because it fulfilled our specific requirements without charging an arm and a leg. If you simply want the bot to place bets just before the off, and provided they are within a specific price range, then we’d recommend BBP.
BetBotPro — Betfair Bot by Lee Mayne » Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:04 pm
From the site: BetBotPro
BetBotPRO is a fully approved Betfair API solution software that runs on your computer and connects directly to Betfair servers. The bot will move sequentially through the days racing that has been loaded depending on your selections and criteria set.
It will only place bets if the odds, number of runners and other criteria are with in your set range. If a selection doesnt fit with in your ranges a bet will not be placed and the software will move on to the next race.
You can choose to select the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th favourites OR an individual or multiple selections in a race. You can also apply various staking plans depending on your preference.
Post questions, reviews or anything relating to BetBotPro here:
by Gentari » Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:41 am
Have you been using this product Lee, and if so how easy is it to set up, are there any pre defined stratagies and the golden egg question…have you made any money with it?
Ta Gent
by nikguitar » Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:55 am
Ive been meaning to give it a go myself.
Ive first heard about it at where the man of mystery did a month review of it.
He discusses his approach to it and the risks involved. Take a read, its very good and I understood it better after I read it.
Seems to do the job if you have the data to support your stragedy, and a large bank is mandatory.
Would be nice to get the badger in here, think he uses it or has used it to make some decent money of horses and greyhounds.
Newbie here, so what do I know. Anyone using it?
by Lee Mayne » Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:33 pm
MOM over at Juicestorm did use it for great results, although he was using a big bank (5K ) with £1 stakes, his strategy is wild, and I would be far to scared to go with that.
I have seen great results with mixing up the horses and the greyhounds on a lay stratergy, and there are some good tips in the betbotpro forum (although you have to be a member to see those).
Its is after all a bot, it will follow your staking rules, so you need a good foundation in what you are trying to achive, although it does take the emotion out of it for you.
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