BetbotPRO Half Time Review
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I’m half way through my month review of BetbotPro and an interesting two weeks it has been. All Bet Bot Pro settings have remained the same apart from varying the choice of lay between 1st and 2nd favourite around the start of the UK horse racing on some days. This is after we’re well in to the UK dogs and is done manually.
We have covered all the bot selections for UK, US and South African horse racing and UK greyhounds up to around the limit currently allowed by the bot which is 100. Oddly, on some days, there have been 130+ lays which seems to exceed the limit allowed substantially. Why? I don’t know.
There have been occasional missed recoveries which have sometimes gone in my favour but, of course, more often not. When I have had the opportunity to watch the bot in action I have noticed that when there is a recovery then another loss shortly after there may only be a single recovery. A recent example yesterday – but there have been several others – was a loss at 19.25 at Louis of £36.40 then a recovery one minute later relating to a loss at 19.10. Recovery completed 30 minutes later of 22.84 relating to Louis and that was it so the following race reverted to the initial stake again where the stake should have been another £22.84. We got £1.00 sadly when Paddy Crow obliged and lost – a win for us but £21.84 short.
That is one example and there may be an explanation but when I’m set to recover 60% over two bets and you don’t see two consecutive stakes larger than £1 it does rather stick out for my eyes. If you take a look through the results here there are several more examples of this on other days.
On another related note there are many recoveries for three and occasionally for four bets. This is easy to explain. This is simply due to bet settlement delays and is unavoidable.
So, where are we financially? 14 days and approximately 1700 bets later we are at a profit of £3140.83 gross without a losing day… yet! Based on my studies I expect one losing day every month. The goal here is to achieve a net £1 profit on every selection so currently there is approximately £1400 set aside for such an event. To be comfortable we need to continue as we are and if we do then one losing day with a stop loss will not have a big impact over the month. Two losing days, however, will be a nuisance.
Ladies and gentlemen, have a great day’s racing , a fantastic weekend and stay safe wherever you are. And, good luck to you all, as always.
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Disastrous day with BetBotPRO i’m afraid. Use the same settings as you to lay the dogs (£1 stake) but five consecutive faves coming in on the BAGS races took me over my stop loss of £500. Not good
Hi Justin, I’m so sorry to read that. Clearly a Stop Loss does protect your bank but the last recovery bet can take you through it and then it will stop. I hope it wasn’t exceeded by too much.
Did you stick with all of my settings apart from the Stop Loss – you’ll recall mine is £4000? With a stake of £1 a Stop Loss of £500 is way too tight. I have been on the favourite all day because I’ve been out mostly and I had an early consecutive loss of 3 and then 4 around three hours ago. Would you mind sending me a copy of the spread sheet to [email protected] please? The exposure for me today was perfectly acceptable and well within limits. The full results will be published tomorrow.
We had a power cut for the last hour or so but I would like to see if with a £4000 Stop Loss I would have got in to trouble as well.
Please may I ask why you went with such a tight Stop Loss? Using this method of recovery staking with a £1 initial stake needs a stop loss of at least £3000 and I run with, as you know, £4000. And I am prepared for a hit of £5000.
If your bank is say £1000 then the stake should have been 10 pence and a stop loss then of £400 would have been adequate. Again, sorry to read about your loss and I hope it won’t spoil your weekend.
my dear Man of Mystery(Mastery)
thank you so much for your great guidance, it is amazing to see how much time you spend to reply to many visitors to your site.thanks
by the way i would like to ask you
some quiry.
1) can betfair or betdag if we have an account be logged any where in the world. and traded, i am told for US RESIDENTS THERE ARE RESTRICTIONS.
2)the betting stake , i see in your example £1 , as per as my knowledge the minimum betting stake is £2 pounds, in the case of Euro it is 4,
how can one operate with £0.50 pence or £ 1 , pound
even after with standing the stop loss of massive £4000 pounds our return will be £1 pound,
is it prudent
to stake so much
there will be betting ( stake limit too) some time it may not possible to get matched for our stake ( lay)
all said and done
your thoughts are wonderful
it looks attainable as per as target are concerned
please friends
if some if some one has different view please pour it here so that we can share it.which is caring
thanks my dear Man of Mastery
i respect you
i accept your views
Good morning easwaran,
I trust you’re having a pleasant weekend and great to see you again.
I understand the US is blocked and it is illegal to bet in the US on most websites including the ones you mention.
However, when I use wi-fi in any location I use a VPN. EVERYONE SHOULD! This makes it virtually impossible to block you anywhere in the world.
All your Internet activity is routed through secure servers, allowing you to use your Internet just the way you want to use it, with no worry over censorship or privacy.
I have used and Also looks promising.
The manual process to place a bet below minimum odds is simple. BetbotPRO does it automatically.
STEP ONE – Place a bet by backing the minimum amount at “Stupid” odds. Make sure the market can accept these odds without filling your order.
STEP TWO – Go into the “My bets” section of the screen and modify your order for £2 + £ amount you want. For example place a bet for 1p the modify the order value to £2.01 When you have done this submit this bet.
STEP THREE – The new order will enter the market. But not as one, but two orders. One bet for the original stake of £2 then another bet for 1p.
STEP FOUR – Now cancel your original bet of £2 at “Stupid” odds.
STEP FOUR – Modify your new order for 1p to the odds that you want it to be matched at or the current odds. Submit the bet again.You have now successfully placed a bet for 1p in the market.
Why does this work?
Betfair operates all bets placed on the system to be put in a queue and matched on a FIFO basis. In order words if you placed a bet for £10 at 14:01 then modified the bet to £20 five minutes later the amount will be separated into another bet and the Betfair system will place the balance at the current time 14:06. The system will show not one bet at £20, but two. One for £10 and 14:01 and another for the same amount at 14:06. This is so you can not jump the queue in order to get matched first. If bets were not put into a queueing system you would have chaos in each market as everybody tried to trump each other and get to the front of the queue. It is this system that allows us to bypass the minimum bet level.
Finally, I agree this method of staking is not for many. But your statement “even after with standing the stop loss of massive £4000 pounds our return will be £1 pound” is incorrect as you can see at
However, you are correct in your statement “it may not possible to get matched for our stake.” An example of how that affected my profit yesterday is in the 13:58 Crayford with Thanks Rodger being beaten by Fawkham Supreme when only £[email protected] was matched out of a lay of £379.57. Nevertheless, it was still a satisfactory day. Just not quite as profitable as it should have been. But at that level these issues will occur.
Have a great day easwaran and good luck to you, as always.
my dear Man of Mystery,
and kudos to you
for very fast reply
why did i ask you about can i trade from any where in the world is this
the mind asked me a simple puzzle, now i am in Graz, a nice city in Austria,Europe, i will be back to my country, India by november 5 th,, i had a doubt whether i will be able to trade from there, then internet is for trading any where and at any time, is it not my friend
some times the mind is very funny, and hence this question, i think we can restrict our settings in betfair to trade from only where we want.
any way what i love
is that you really care
and that is the way
sharing too
if this happens with zero expectations
my dear Man of Mastery
you are in blissfullness
i love you
i love your web
i love all the inputs,
i love all the people who take time to visit your web
thank you my dear
with unending love
Hi easwaran, thanks so much for your kind comments. Many people read this blog but few comment. And that’s fine. But the few that comment, such as yourself Sir, make it all worthwhile.
Have a safe journey in November.
[…] Now down to business. Justin lost with BetbotPRO a week ago and you may not have seen the story here but after some analysis, and with Justin’s permission, I reproduce below a copy of his […]
Hi John,
Genuinely enjoyable site to visit.
In your comments above you briefly touch upon using a VPN. The reason I bring this up is because I have been unable to trade in recent months because of what I can only conlude are latency problems from my end, which only occur when trading UK racing and not my local Aussie racing (obviously different servers). Another individual who had similar problems to me (and problems not related to normal API stuff ups) solved this by running his software (Bet Angel I believe) through a VPS and has had no problems since.
My question is are VPN and VPS the same thing and can they improve these latency issues?
Anyway, keep up the great work and I am eagerly awaiting next week’s Juicestorm Cheltenham show. Will definately be tuning in.
Kind regards, Buck.
P.S. Just an idea for a future show – a discussion by you and Lee on all things technical related to getting the most out of one’s online betting experience.
Hi Buck, I am sure John will pass by and leave a comment soon but:
My question is are VPN and VPS the same thing and can they improve these latency issues?
I would imagine if you friend has a VPS (Virtual Private Server) then he would be running the software on this. It would be a windows machine that is in a different country and you log into this and control it from your machine.
A VPN would route you internet conenction though another network and would appear to the end client that you are located where the VPN is.
An example would be an american could log into Betfair and his connection wouldnt be denied as Betfair would assume his location is in the UK (Or where the VPN is based).
You do still have one thing, the connection from you house to the VPN or the VPS.
It might be worth first of all checking your internet connection to the UK. You could ping the Betfair ( servers and see what sort of delay you are getting.
If this is getting too complicated either drop me a mail on the contact form or find youself a local whizkid!
The short of this is, A VPN or VPS can help, but if your connection to either is crap then you are still going to have problems.
Warm regards, LEE
if i buy betbotpro and register it to my home computer,will i be able to access it on my mobile phones broadband, when not et home ,or could i just register it to my mobile -cheers
I am interested in your comments on BetbotPro. I have been trying for some time to find reliable settings for dogs or horses. I am based in the UK. I try settings on sim and find they work fine, I get a good profit, but as soon as I change it to real money then it loses. This happens time and again and I am whittling away my bank, now down to £100 from £600. Make that £97 now. Any ideas would be appreciated before I go bust!
I am on version V4.2.100 I tried the later version but it was so complicated that I didn’t upgrade BBP.
Regarding your recovery, perhaps if you reduced your unsettled bets to 2 that wouldn’t confuse the programme so much.
Thanks for all your help, you help a lot of people