3 Card Poker
Risk Category D/E, medium risk
House edge 3.37 Variance 1.64.
The strategy to use for this is “Q64”.
For each hand played you place a bet on the ante, and then you are dealt 3 cards. You can then either bet the same stake again or fold. The Q64 strategy is very simple – if the highest of your 3 cards is ace or king, you bet. If it is a jack or lower you fold. If the highest card is a queen, look at the next card, if that is 7 or higher, bet. If it is 5 or lower fold, if it is 6, look at the 3rd card and bet if it is 4 or higher, otherwise fold.
This month’s Game of the Month over at Eurobet is Three Card Poker, a free £10 if you wager £100 on the game so a perfect chance for me to show you the Q64 strategy in action.
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