Bet Bot Pro Review – Interim
Win A copy of BetBotPro: BetBotPro Competition
As promised here’s an early impression of BetbotPro which I have now used for four days.
BetbotPRO was created by Mark Baker who has an engineering background obtaining his degree in Electronic & Electrical Engineering at Plymouth in 1991. I thought I’d review Mark’s software for no other reason than he comes from Devon and I used to live in South Molton eleven years ago for a year and my daughter was born there. Know the Exeter Inn and The George Mark? Two of my favourite hostelries when I was there.
Anyway down to business. Based on my criteria BetbotPRO has now made 511 lay selections for a gross profit of £1291.76. There has been a mix of UK, Irish, US and South African horse racing topped up with a healthy selection of greyhounds. The selections have been made using a recovery staking plan of between 60% and 80% over two races where there is a loss. These are the settings I used with RonBot. But there is one major difference. BetbotPro waits to see if a recovery is needed by waiting for Betfair settlement. RonBot based a recovery on who he thought had one the race based on the last in running price. RonBot got it right most of the time and recoveries were completed far quicker. However, waiting for settlement is 100% accurate so has to be the better route.
The Initial stake I use is £1.00 with a bank of £10000. I am aiming for a daily return of 1% which is currently being exceeded and a stop loss of £4000. The minimum number of runners is 6 and the maximum will never be hit.
Back Lay Ratio
The Back/Lay Ratio % – a very important feature for me is 10%. It helps avoid lays where the market is thin and bad value. Essential for non UK horse racing. I do vary manually between 1st, 2nd or 3rd favourite depending on the upcoming race mix. More of that at another time.
Ease of Use
BetbotPro is soooo easy to use. There is a free three day trial and there were no problems in set up – it took less than 5 minutes. I have been using BetbotPro from mid day to midnight but I have noticed that as the day progresses – normally early evening – it tends to vary wildly in the computer resources it uses. Now, to be fair, it is currently on a pretty basic machine and that will change shortly. Lee, the manager of this blog, will be dedicating a stripped down windows server to it in the next few days and I’ll publish my final thoughts anyway on all aspects in the final review in about a month.
This seems to be an issue with other applications as well which you can see in the Betfair forum in a post by Ewood concerning Adam Todd’s BetTraderPro which I have used and I’ll be reviewing next year.
Well that’s it from MOM Towers in Malta for today. Stay safe wherever you are and good luck to you all as always.
Try for Free
Grab yourself a copy of Bet Bot Pro Here, there is even a free trial available!
See my results for yourself: BetBotPro Daily Betting Results
[…] Read more about BetBotPro […]
[…] BetbotPRO missed nearly 100 races despite today’s satisfactory result. The current settings limit the […]
please send me your exact parameters and if it works out in the trial, I will purchase under your affiliate link. ie exact paameters- are you only laying one horse per race or more than one?
There is a post on settings here
BetBotPro Settings
Althoguh I know the settigns were tweaked somewhat adfter that, MOM is away in the U.K but I will get him to try and pop by and leave a comment.
He was laying the Fav in every UK Horse Race and Greyhound Meet.