Nugget Collection – Green Book

...and Bingo Little or collectively as The Nugget Crew. This video is from their “Nugget Collection” over at These videos demonstrate the importance of determining a strategy that fits...

WUBT — 12 November 2008

...Mark Baker the man behind the great piece of software – BetBotPRO. If you have any questions for Mark or indeed for Man of Mystery, leave a comment to this...

Poker Bot World Champion

...equal. World Champion Poker Bot BluffBot is a World Champion “poker bot” created by Teppo Salonen for the purpose of competing in the first three annual AAAI Computer Poker Competitions....

Xmas Comp Draw Winners

...BetTrader Jimmyb 3 Months Subscription to BetTrader Steve Hookway You should hear form the respective software Gurus soon, if you have any problems drop us a line here at Juicestorm....
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