Betting Bounty

I’m Giving You £120 for just £1
This simply has to be the best offer we have ever handed out!
And it’s taken some serious negotiation to get it for you.
You’ve probably heard of Betting Bounty before, after all it’s one of the Race Advisor’s flagship products.
Yes… we’ve negotiated you access to it for £1 for the next 72 hours.
If you just want to go and grab it now, and I wouldn’t blame you, then this is where to go:
What you’ve probably not heard about Betting Bounty though, is how much money it’s making people.
Honestly, they should shout this out more.
It averages just over £10 profit every day they send out bets, and normally they send bets six days a week.
These bets are about as risk-free as it’s possible to get.
Using their unique approach, when you bet on their selections you either get a risk-free win or almost zero loss.
And don’t make the mistake of thinking this is simple trading. It’s simple, yes, but it’s not a normal trading strategy.
They use a unique phenomenon that occurs in UK andE racing.
This phenomenon is key to the bookmaking industry, which means… it’s never going to disappear.
When you know which horses it’s going to happen on, it literally makes you unbeatable!
Check out the video with all the details at:
In the last year, members have made over £3500 in profit AND there has never been a losing month.
For the next 72 hours, you can get access to Betting Bounty for 14 days for just £1.
That means you’re going to make around £120 profit in the next 14 days for just £1.
You’d have to be crazy to say no to that!
Betting Bounty

Name: RaceAdvisor
Product: Betting Bounty