Dutching and Hedging Spreadsheets
General Spreadsheet discussion from BetSeventyTwo Forum.
Dutching & Hedging spreadsheets
by Betformulas » Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:32 pm
Hello from Howard Hutchinson your Dutching and Hedge formulas man.
If you have any questions about trading formulas or my spreadsheet video demos, post your questions in the Forum and the next time I log in I’ll do my best to answer your query.
If you have a strategy that you would like to trade but you don’t have a suitable spreadsheet, I’m your man.
2 of my spreadsheets in particular can be used to trade just about anything.
Combine my Be A Bookie spreadsheet and Hedge 3 Bets spreadsheet and we can probably trade your strategy.
If we can’t get those 2 sheets to do what you require, I’ll knock something else up that will do the job for you.
So, . . . . . all I need is an EXACT description of what you woukld like to acheive, and away we go.
If you want to see what new strategies I’m messing about with at present, visit my Blog via this link :-
I update that web site every now and then with my ideas – some good, some not so good, but all looking for a new way of trading that no-one else has yet covered.
All my sheets are ideal for simulating your trades without having to risk any money on Betfair.
Test your latest strategy.
Input your bet and lay odds to see what would happen to your trades, without risking any cash.
Good luck with your trading, Howard.
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